ICU Solutions

It’s good to know you can depend on our knowledge

Our experience and commitment to quality brings greater precision to every intensive care decision.

Whenever the situation is critical, Howorth is 100% dependable. Our reputation for providing high quality solutions has grown alongside our tried, tested and trusted ranges. And on closer examination, it’s easy to see why. Whether its illuminating, watching, air purifying or simply reducing post-operative anxiety, our reputation for innovation is now playing a leading role in improving ICU outcomes.

Examination Lights

Medical Service Pendants

Digital Integration

Digital Sky Ceilings

Air Purification

GENANO 5250 - Portable Unit

Air is drawn into the system and through powerful plasma discharges, negatively charging any airborne particles including microbes and viruses.

These negatively charged particles are then attracted to a positively charged collection surface.

The particle free air is then passed through an active carbon layer to remove VOC and odour and the resulting ultrapure air then passes back into the room.

Genano's patented Non-Thermal Plasma Technology removes even nanoscale impurities. It eliminates organic microbes such as viruses, bacteria and mold and also removes gaseous VOC compounds and smells.

Positive pressure room

Turn isolation rooms into safe air spaces

By using a GENANO unit to generate a positive pressure room, not only can such an environment be created quickly, but in the knowledge that the increased airflow into the room is ultrapure.

When creating a positive pressure environment for the protection of immunocompromised patients, such as cancer or burns patients, or immunosuppressed patients, perhaps having had a bone marrow or organ transplant, it is critical to know that those patients are protected from contamination.

Negative pressure room

Turn isolation rooms into safe air spaces

GENANO units can also be used to create a negative pressure isolation environment.

With an infectious patient requiring medical care, it is key that the patient as well as the staff and other patients in the vicinity are protected.

A GENANO unit in this circumstance can ensure that the air being expelled to generate the negative pressure is free from contamination.

Download a copy of our Healthcare brochure

Download a copy of our Healthcare brochure

If you want to find out more, download our brochure or get in touch.

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With advanced air technology, comes a more advanced understanding of your needs.

If you need further help or would like to request a quote for any of our products and services, please contact us using the link below.

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What our clients have to say

I am delighted to inform you that the James Paget University Hospital, Theatre Upgrades project has been signed off by all parties involved, against the five customer commitments, and it has achieved Perfect Delivery. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and all your members of staff who played an active role in the delivery of this project.

Morgan Sindall

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